ከጥቂት ሳምንታት በፊት "ጸብአቴ የማነ ብርሃን ማናቸው" በሚል ያስነበብነው ይታወሳል የዚህ ጽሁፍ ምንጮቻችን እና አንባቢዎቻችን ተጨማሪ መረጃዎችን ልከውልናል እንደሚከተው አቅርበነዋል ተከታተሉት
ጸብአቴ የማነ ብርሃን ማናቸው? በሚል የቀረበው ጽሁፍ ላይ በጣም ብዙ የአትላንታ ነዋሪዎች እና በቅርብ የሚያቋቸውም የየግል አስተያየቶቻቸውን ጽፈውልናል አንዳንዱም የማስፈራሪያ መልዕክቶችን ልከውልናል፣ ነገር ግን አላማችን በቅድስት ቤተክርስቲያን ውስጥ የግል ጥቅማቸውን፣ የግል ክብራቸውን፣ ወይም ነውራቸውን ለመሸፈን በቤተክርስቲያናችን ሥም ተቀምጠው ያሉትን ሥራቸውን እናጋልጣለን ምዕመናን ከግል ቲፎዞተኝነት ወጥተው በእነዚህ ለግል ከርሳቸው የቆሙትን ካህናት፣ ዲያቆናት፣ ወይም ጳጳሳት የኛ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ አለመሆናቸውን ማሳየት አለብን በእነሱ ለግል ጥቅማቸው እሩጫ በሚያደርጉበት ጊዜ የሚሰናከለው ንፁሁ የተዋሕዶ መንጋ ግድ ሊለን ይገባል፥ ንጹሀን የተዋሕዶ ልጆች፣ እናቶች፣ እንዲሁም አባቶችን የመጠበቅ በተኩላ እንዳይወሰዱ የመንከባከብ የሁላችንም ሀላፊነት ስለሆነ ልንጠነቀቅ ይገባናል ባዮች ነን።
ከአትላንታ አካባቢ የተላከልን ደብዳቤ እንደሚከተለው ነው ተከታተሉት
ሥርዓተ ቤተክርስቲያን ይከበር የመጀመሪያው ደብዳቤ ሲሆን በመቀጠል ተጨማሪ መረጃዎችንም አያይዘው ልከውልናል
ተጨማሪ ስለ ጸብአቴ የማነ ብርሃን ማስረጃ
ቸር ይግጠመን
የመላው ዓለም የተዋሕዶ ቤተሰብ
ጸብአቴ የማነ ብርሃን ማናቸው? በሚል የቀረበው ጽሁፍ ላይ በጣም ብዙ የአትላንታ ነዋሪዎች እና በቅርብ የሚያቋቸውም የየግል አስተያየቶቻቸውን ጽፈውልናል አንዳንዱም የማስፈራሪያ መልዕክቶችን ልከውልናል፣ ነገር ግን አላማችን በቅድስት ቤተክርስቲያን ውስጥ የግል ጥቅማቸውን፣ የግል ክብራቸውን፣ ወይም ነውራቸውን ለመሸፈን በቤተክርስቲያናችን ሥም ተቀምጠው ያሉትን ሥራቸውን እናጋልጣለን ምዕመናን ከግል ቲፎዞተኝነት ወጥተው በእነዚህ ለግል ከርሳቸው የቆሙትን ካህናት፣ ዲያቆናት፣ ወይም ጳጳሳት የኛ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ አለመሆናቸውን ማሳየት አለብን በእነሱ ለግል ጥቅማቸው እሩጫ በሚያደርጉበት ጊዜ የሚሰናከለው ንፁሁ የተዋሕዶ መንጋ ግድ ሊለን ይገባል፥ ንጹሀን የተዋሕዶ ልጆች፣ እናቶች፣ እንዲሁም አባቶችን የመጠበቅ በተኩላ እንዳይወሰዱ የመንከባከብ የሁላችንም ሀላፊነት ስለሆነ ልንጠነቀቅ ይገባናል ባዮች ነን።
ከአትላንታ አካባቢ የተላከልን ደብዳቤ እንደሚከተለው ነው ተከታተሉት
ሥርዓተ ቤተክርስቲያን ይከበር የመጀመሪያው ደብዳቤ ሲሆን በመቀጠል ተጨማሪ መረጃዎችንም አያይዘው ልከውልናል
ተጨማሪ ስለ ጸብአቴ የማነ ብርሃን ማስረጃ
ቸር ይግጠመን
የመላው ዓለም የተዋሕዶ ቤተሰብ
እኔ የምለው ካለሳቸው ሰው አታቁም እንዴ ? ለምን እዛው ቤተክርሰቲያን ውሰጥ ሰላሉት ቄሶች አታወሩም ለወረቀት ሲሉ እየዞሩ የሰው ስም የሚያጠፉትን የካህን ስራ እየሰሩ ነው ቃሉ የሚለው የባልንጀራህን አትመኝ ነው ለነገሩ ምኑን ያውቁታል አላየናቸውም እንዴ ማሰተማር እንካን የት ይችላሉ ሁለቱም አንድ አይነት ናቸው ከበሮ ሲያዩት ያምር ሲይዙት ያደናግር ደግሞ ከሳችው ጋር ሊወዳደሩ ቀርቶ ለራሳችው መማር ያሰፈልጋቸዋል ሰው እኮ በሰራው ይመዘናል ስለነሱማ ማውራት ያሰጠላል ማፈሪያ ሁላ እንናንተን ብሎ ለቤተክርሰቲያን ተቆርቃሪ ወሬያቹ ሰለቸን እሳቸው እንደኦነ በናንተ ወሬ ምንም አያሆኑም በመጀመሪያ እራሳችሁን እወቁ ሰው ላይ ከመፍረዳች በፊት ጌታ ይቅር ይበላቹ ።
ReplyDeleteግም ለግም አብረህ አዝግም የሚል የቆየ አባባል አለ:: ላንተ ወይም ላንቺ ለሃይማኖት መቆርቆር ትርጉም የለውም::
Deleteአንተ ደግሞ ማነኝ ነው የምትለው? የጥፋት ተባባሪ ግፍንት። ያጠፉትን ትተህ ያላጠፉትን የምትወርድባቸ። ሰው የየራሱ ተሰጦ አለው በተሰጣቸው እግዜአብሔርን በንጽሕና እስካገለገሉ ድረስ አገልግሎታችው የተቀደሰ ነው። ቤተክርስቲያን የሚያስፈልጋት እኮ በንጽህና የሚያገለግላት እንጂ እንደ አዳሙ(የድሮ ጸባቴ) አይነት ጉድፍ አይደለም።
Deleteእኔ የምለው ቤተክርሰቲያን የምታሰተምራቹ ሰው መክሰስ ሰው ላይ በሐሰት መመሰከር ነው እንዴ? ለነገሩ አወቆ የተኛን ቢቀሰቅሱት አይሰማም አይደል የሚባለው እወነት ሳታቁት ቀርታቹ ነው? እነንተ ብትደብቁትም የነሱ ስራ መገለጡ የማይቀር ነው ደግሞም እያየነው ነው አንድ ነገር ልናገር ሰለቄሶቹ ለተቆረቆራችሁት እኔ ሳልሆን ስራቸው ነው ያዋረዳቸው እናም ለቤተክርሰቲያን መቆርቆር ሌላ ለሰው መቆርቆር ሌላ ነው የያዘችሁት ወገንተኝነት ነው አሱ አያዋጣችሁም።
Deleteበትክክል ፖት አልተደረገም::
Deleteበስራቸው ቦታ ሴትን እየነካኩ አስችግረው በተረጋገጠ መረጃ የተከሰሰውን የቄስ ፍቅሩን ወሬ ምነው ደበቃችሁት ማረጋገጫ የሌለ ወሬ እየያዛችሁ የፀባቴን ስም ከማጥፋት፡፡
ReplyDeleteእዚህ ላይ የምትጽፉ ሰዎች አሁን ያሳሰባችሁ እውነት የሃይማኖት ጉዳይ ነው ወይስ እሳቸው ቤተክርስቲያን መክፈቱ ገቢ ይቀንሳል ነው ፡፡እስቲ እርግጡን እንንነጋገር የፈራችሁት ነገር አለ ለዚህም ነው መሰል እሁድ መልአከ ሰላም ሳይኖሩ ስብስባ ለይቶ ቄስ ፍቅሩ የጠራው የቤተክርስቲያን አባላትን እየለያየ ስብሰባ መጥራትን ምን አስፈለገ? ዝም ብሎ ማየት ነው ገና ብዙ ድብብቆሽ አለ እዛ ቤት: አሁን ደግሞ ሊያባርር የፈለገው ሰው አለ መሰለኝ ማለት ነው ለነገሩ ሰይጣን የፈጠርክዋችሁ እኔ ነኝ ያለው የፈጠረው ጌታ ዘወር ሲል አይደል ሰዎች ነጣቂዎች በዝተዋል እዛ ቤት ተጠንቀቁ!!!!
እግዚያብሔር ያባርክ ሰው ያየውን እንደዚ ይመሰክራል ቄሰ ፍቅሩማ የማይወጡት ችግር ውጥ ገብተዋል ገና ጉድ ይፈላል እንደዚ አይነት ወራዳ ቄሰ አይቼም አላውቅም አግዚያብሔር ይቅር ይበላቸው መላከሳል ደግሞ አሰመሳይ ናቸው ሰው ያደናግራሉ አንዴ ወደዚ አንዴ ወደዛ እያሉ ብቻ ሁለቱም አንድ ናቸው
Deleteየጸባቴ ደጋፊዏች ሁሉም ካድሬዏች እንጂ የሃማኖት ሰዎች አይመስሉም። ስለ ሃይማኖት ምንም እውቀት የሌላቸ ገልቱዏች ናቸወ። የሚሰጡትን አስተያየት እዩት ፤ ተራ መናኛ እንካ ስላንቲያ ነው። ስለ ሃማኖት ሲቆረቆሩ አይታዩም ምክነያቱም አያዉቁትም።
ReplyDeleteየነሳሙኤል ምልምልሎች እባካቹ ስራ ስሩ ወሬ ይብቃ ሰውየው ለቀው ወጡ አለቀ በቃ እድሜ ልክ ወሬ ይወራል እንዴ? እሰቲ ልብ ግዙ ወሬ የምታወሩበትን ግዜ መዕሐፍ ቅዱስ አንብቡ ወሬ ከዚእዛ አታናፍሱ እሳቸውን የፈለገ ይከተላቸው ያልፈለገ የፈለገውን ይከተል እነንተ የምን መንጫጫት ነው ገና ለገና ሰው ይቀርብናል ብላቹ ነው እነጂ ለቤተክርሲያን ተቆርቁራቹ አይደለም አህዛብ ሁላ ብትማሩ ይሻላል አርፋቹ ተቀመጡ ወሬ ሰልችቶናል ።
Deleteአንተ ሰምቼ የማላውቀውን ቃል ተጠቅምሃል ለመሆኑ የት ነው ካድሬ የበዛው እስቲ እንንነጋገር ገብርኤል መንጥሮ ያውጣልን እናንተን እኔማ የግዴን ነው የምመጣው እዛ ቤት ካድሬማ ታየ ዘንድሮ ያለቦታው ገብቶ ሲፈተፍት ቤተክርስቲያን ከፋፍሎ:: ወሬ ያጣፈጣችሁ ይመስል ሃይማኖታችንን አሰደባችሁት እግዚእብሔር ይይላችሁ::የ እያንዳዳችሁን ቤት እንዲህ ይበጥብጥላችሁ የምንፀልይበትን ቦታ ሰላም አሳጥታችሁ እንዲህ የወሬ አዳራሽ እንዳረጋችሁት የናንንተንም የስራችሁን ይስጣችሁ አይቀርም አንድ ቀን ዋጋችሁን ይሰጥልኛል::
DeleteThis guy is very dangerous. He is messing up evey family who used to come to the church. Now Husband has no trust on his wife. He never alow her to go to any church.He is looking behind and digging, counter checking if the kids are really his.
ReplyDeleteSome people are asking the ex-priest Tsibate, to give list of girls he used to date. The issue become very serious, specially after one family is officially separeted. This is sadnening. A priest should be like a father who see all its members like his own kids. But the opposit is true in this case. Who knows my wife is .............. God protect me. I do not want to hear it. God bless.
We need to look the whole affair of the Tsebate and the Bisrate Gabriel Parish Council with open mind and a sense of clarity and responsibility. Tsebate may or may not have committed what he has been charged of. But till now, his accuser, or the Parish Council, has been acting as examiner, investigator, prosecution, witness and judge, all at the same time and in the same breadth. We live in a country where one is innocent until proven guilty. Tsebate has the right, and the Parish Council a duty, to set up an independent body, made up of persons, who are well-qualified in religious matters and of integrity and character to investigate the allegations and make their own recommendations. Both the Tsebate and the Parish Council should abide by the body's recommendation and conclusion. Otherwise, none of the parties are credible and trial by public media is not acceptable at least in this country we live in. Atlanta has got plenty persons of letters and integrity who could act as honest investigators. Both parties should stop media campaign and trial by mass media and submit themselves to the rule of law. Let us hope they will do.
DeleteSeveral of you accuse Tsebate of many frivolous issues, such as opening the curtain of the Sancta Sanctorum during the celebration of Qurban, non-rebaptizing Catholic converting to ETC faith and so on. As for baptism, there is only ONE and the converts from one Christian Church to another cannot be rebaptized, because whether you're Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant, there is only One Baptism and One Christ and One Apostolic Church. Opening the curtain or closing it during the Holy Mass celebration has nothing to do with violating doctrine because the practice is purely cultural, and not doctrinal or one of the canons of faith. The doctrinal issues are those listed in the Nicean Creed, and as far as I know nobody so far is charging the Tsebate for violating any of those creeds. In this respect, Tsebate should be commended for moving with changing time instead of stressing outdated and old-fashioned cultural values that have nothing to do with the Christian faith or doctrine. Our brethern churches of Alexandria and others have moved away from many of these obscurantist ideas and (Old Testament) cultural traditions long time ago, and our Church should follow the same reformist path and move with the changing time. In this regard, we need someone of Tsebate's ilk, mind-set and vision who would lead the Tewahedo church with forward-looking, and not backward-gazing, mind, and bring it and its institutions to the 21st Century thinking and acting rather than leaving them buried under many of their asphyxiating medieval values, practices and outlook.
Many perhaps think that I am Tsebate's supporter. Definitely, I am not, even though I appreciate his preaching. I have heard the charges and the counter-charges of both parties, those of Tsebate's through reading and the grapevine, and those of the Parish Council, through reading, gossips, and also attending in person many of the meetings in which it presented its charges against the Tsebate. The evidence presented by both parties have deep holes and I am not convinced by any of them beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, the need for an independent and credible inquiry by a neutral and honest body. Otherwise, please stop conducting and judging anyone based on this constant torrent of innuendos, gossips, lies, and half-truths that both parties are feeding us. They'll help none execpt leaving many confused and bewildered, and their faith shaky, if not in tatters.
You tried to look the only adult in the room with so many irregularities,but I know the truth clear and loud my wife was his victim. I forgave her after we discussed in details.I did this impart for the sake of my children. Please don't play gamble with victims life, family, and marriage if you are in the right mind.
DeleteI fully understand your pain. Yet, if your wife is an adult, you should not forget that she made a choice. If she is genuine enough and had been forced, she has a case. Then you have to know that this is a country of law. The proper channel is the court, and not media trial.
I do not understand what irregularities you are talking about? Are you referring to the theological issue dealt with here as being too high and too abstract for you? If so, it is quite comprehensible and I certainly sympathize with you. Definitely, it is not an aliment for a dilettante or uncultivated minds who have a penchant only for rejection and criticism without any justification whereas those intelligent ones are always appreciative and, as such, are bent to learn and educate themselves.
There is an English proverb which says “There is no smoke without fire” Let me go with your theological explanation that you put somebody in amateur status because of its high abstraction and unexplained objectivity at least in your unsophisticated attitude. First of all, opening or closing curtain during the Qurban (the Holy Eucharist) ceremony is neither doctrine nor canons and therefore, I don’t understand which one would be high abstraction in your prolonged dialogue with your respondent. As you said opening or closing curtain during the Holy Eucharist is “old-fashioned cultural values that have nothing to do with the Christianity” the parallel of this statement is also true. The restructured cultural reevaluation in modern sentiment has nothing to do with Christianity too. As a priest you suppose to teach much, much better than this trivialities and tedious cliche. You know, being priest is high responsibility, it not just a promotion from deacon to priest. You better know that old-fashioned cultural values keep you in king status in your church where you have been serving or have been served by. Otherwise, you are just an ordinary priest who serves yourself hired by the church members to bake your daily bread. See ya Kesis….
DeleteEthiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church has never ever accepted neither Catholic nor Protestant baptism as true one. One baptism for Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the baptism that is given by her only. When you say that Tsebate is right in this respect, you put yourself in place of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and that shows your arrogance. Actually, I know that you are the Tehadiso activist, but I thought that you are quitted after you moved in America.
DeleteThe first Anonymous, I see you agree with me and so I do not understand why you become so ill-tempered and abusive. As to the rest, I hardly understand your stutter. Nowhere I said I approve the alleged Tsebate's action. Remember, in Parish Council's own words, the charges are only allegations. Only the simpletons regard allegations as facts. Just try to learn how to read things or statements in context, and not to pick up a single piece. The whole argument is about fairness in judgment and an appeal to set up an independent and neutral body to examine whether the allegations are true or false. Your English proverb for me applies to the Parish Council as well, and not the Tsebate alone.
DeleteThe second Anonymous: Where is it written that Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC) does not accept any other baptism outside her own? It seems you'are promoting your own views or those of the fourth-century heretics (Donatists), rather than that of the EOC. The Nicean stand is this: "We believe in "ONE BAPTISM" for the remission of sins." Therefore, there aren't TWO or THREE Baptisms - because whether Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox, all of them use pure water and an identical formula: "...I Baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit". If EOC does not accept that, then my other part of the argument stands, i.e., the need to bring the EOC from ossification into modernity.
For both of you The Anonymous: The Romans say "Intelligenti Pauca". Please don't try to read above and beyond what is written. As a matter of fact, I see nothing wrong with either a priest or the Tehadiso activist, yet I belong to neither. Please deal with the issues, as the true intelligent people do, and don't jump to label or compartmentalize anyone whose views and beliefs you disagree with. Only those with frail and feeble mind rush to these strategies as these are their only strength and the secret weapon.
Here you go again friend, I read your blessings for me. Thank you for that. I am always and will be ready to take such a strike. To back to the real issue regarding baptism, whether you referred from Nicaea, Apostle Paul or “pure water and an identical formula” analogy, an EOTC believes that the only “one baptism” is only given by her. If you think this is wrong, it is up to you. However, an EOTC is not in the position to take your recommendation of “ossification into modernity” because she is nothing to lose by staying as she was for centuries. For many years, she knows Lord, she knows Christology, she knows Mariology, and so, modernity has never been changing her theological philosophy, her vertical line relation with God, and her horizontal line relation with God’s beloved children always can live with her in the modern world with need no change and modernity. In this respect, she is rich enough to offer instead of been offered.
DeleteAgain, Show me where Where it is written that Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC) does not accept any other baptism outside her own? until then see ya!
DeleteIf you are living in Atlanta, we can meet and discuss the rest of it. Referring different books and other supporting evidences and past EOTC experiences.
Deletewho is worried about the religion you? I don't think so.
ReplyDeletewhat I don't understand the people who follow to Tsebate is a grown up people so why you guys are worried about it.
they can choose what they want don't talk to much about Tsebate any time you post bad thing about it people more following him you are wasting your dam time.
if you call him Ato Adamu or Kibur Tsebate you can not change people love for him ,you guys are foolllllllllllll
If you really love this guy take him to get a professional help. If he doesn't get help he will strike again and the result will be catastrophic. Supporting him on this blog doesn't chang any thing. His repetation is already reuind. If I were you I will adivice him to look for a job and support himself.I think that luxurious life is over.Don't you think so?
ReplyDeleteWhy you worry he to be called Ato Adam? rather, if you have wife send to him that might help him or if your are a women with the above opinion help him as usual to make himself more dirt and stink. We already learn it in a hard way that this country boy is so thirsty to access more city girls and make a playboy roles under his disguised priesthood. That's why he opened another sin center.
ReplyDeleteI am not a supporter of him or neither those of you writing on this site but both side should need t grow up and stop accusing each other.
ReplyDeletewhom ever supporting him keep supporting him no one can stop you and the other side please stop this is a free country people do what ever they want too.
hmm! you don't want him in your church then now he is not there, but he can do what ever he wants to do so,don't be silly and waist your time it is not worth it
The above article on Tsebate is too biased and too superficial. Its supporting evidence cannot stand serious scrutiny as it comes only from one-side, presumably the so-called Parish Council (PC), a body that, as many see it, is neither credible nor legit. I concur with this view and provide just a few facts to substantiate their points. (1) It is a public secret now that one of its most active members and, in fact, the most virulent anti-Tsebate one (Ms. Mimmi Moges), does NOT accept the teachings of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church: she is, in fact, a die-hard Protestant; (2) One, at least, when she joined did not meet the age-requirement as set out in the Qale-Awadi.
ReplyDeleteAs regards PC’s actions concerning Tsebate’s involvement in the alleged sexual acts, there are several anomalies. (1) The PC claimed that it knew his involvement since the early 2009, and yet it took no action until the end of 2011. (2) PC allowed him to continue officiating (at least for two months) long after he had reportedly admitted the alleged charges. (3) After his alleged resignation and permanent departure to Ethiopia, Tsebate informed PC, in July 2011, his plan to come back in time for Hamlé Gabriel, and asked for a ticket and to having the clergy residence ready for him. The Vice Chairman of PC (Mr. Samuel Belete) responded confirming that the clergy residence is vacant and ready and that a one-way ticket from Addis to Atlanta would be sent to him immediately once he had apprised of his intended travel date and asked him to act swiftly as the Hamlé Gabriel is quite close. (4) Again, it was this same PC Vice-chairman that received Tsebate at the airport and brought him to his house. In the light of all these, the question will be this: If Tsebate had committed the alleged charges, how one could explain or justify all these PC’s actions: incompetence or concoction? It is hard to tell and one can draw from them whatever conclusion he/she deems appropriate. Yet whether concoction or incompetence,one thing is clear: the PC is as guilty as, if not more than, the Tsebate. Under such circumstances, any honorable body would offer its resignation immediately because it has no moral or legal authority or competence to continue acting even momentarily. Instead the PC had become, on one hand, as one writer in this column above rightly noted “the accuser, the judge, and the prosecution” of Tsebate and, on the other, by clinging stubbornly to its position, a divisive force of the congregation. My advice for the PC will be: empower the community and quit, and then submit yourself to whatever future scrutiny. And to this website: don’t allow mediocrity and bias to influence your work. Search for truth. Presently, the PC had dichotomized the congregation into two hostile camps: those agreeing with PC as anti-Tsebate and, therefore, PC’s buddies, and those dissenting or critical voices as pro-Tsebate, and, thus, PC’s enemies or trouble-makers, a typical symptom of a psychopathic behavior. Hopefully, my stand does not earn me such a pigeon-holing either by this website owners or the PC.
You said that the above article is too superficial and bias because the supporting evidence is one sided and therefore not good enough to be credential, but when you paint Mimi Moges protestant you don’t need to have any sort of evidence except saying that it is public secret; you know what? that’s phony and pathetic. As the same token, with no single evidence you accuse the whole PC in general and the vice chairman in particular for his role in moderating the situation and Tsebate in good and bad comportment. Mind you! If someone who says somebody is misjudged based on bias, how a hell he can judge others in the same way that he condemns. If public secret is more than evidence, Tsebate’s case is louder than that of anybody in Habesha history in this town. Why don’t you take it for grant what you heard about Tsebate the same way you heard of Mimi. You see to be judge is not that simple. To hide one’s identity disguising by looks a good judge is also so tough. What you need to know is you can’t play two roles at the same time without being traced.
DeleteDear Anonymous: It seems you have utterly failed to grasp the points raised by the above commentator. If you can understand,even the so called parish council itself is calling the accusations against Tsebate are "ALLEGATIONS ", which means not proved yet! Capito? How come then this website publishes all this not yet proven hearsay, i. e., garbage. If you read carefully, that is why all the above commentators are calling for an independent body (spiritual or administrative) to investigate. As to your comparison of parish council and Tsebate, remember, the parish council is the accuser and hence the burden of proof is on it. The so called proof the parish presented, which is a number of e-mail excerpts and their words (confessions of Tsebate) are questionable because the council itself lacks credibility. As to the e-mails, they have to be read in their context. . As regard their word, how can they be trusted? Aren't they the ones who hid the whole situation from the congregation for almost three years and lied as to why Tsebate was leaving for Ethiopia, and continued to lie, and lie? Some people state that Tsebate kept his word, because he said he would leave and then he left; he said he would be back after he completed his planned research , and he came back. It is the Parish Council's action and behavior that are full of contradictions. As to Mimi, there is nothing wrong with being a protestant, and yet it is quite interesting to have one not only as a Sunday school teacher in an Ethiopian Orthodox Church but also holding the highest administrative position in a church that have strong believe in the intersession of our Lady Virgin Mary and saints as well as angels. After all are you aware that she had been instructed to teach exclusively biblical stories, and NOT faith related matters? As regards your quest for reference relating to the evidence against the parish council, there are ample tangible proofs on hand. Stay tuned, hopefully they will be out soon! You stated that the parish council and specially the vice-chairman is trying to moderate the situation. Actually, my friend, you got it all wrong. They are getting it worse. Was the vicechairman moderating when he was intimidating to call the police at a religious meeting in a church compound whenever one disagrees with him? Or was he moderating when he was avoiding members asking for conference with him/them? He/they were so incompetent and mishandled the situation to a point that not only the council itself is split but has also divided the congregation to a point that it has led to the founding of another church. In general, your comparison of the above commentator’s statement and your points are those of between apples and oranges.
DeleteWhy is Mimi all of a sudden became an issue? she has never been an issue all this years. Tsebate never had a problem with her, actually he told us one Sunday that when ever he needed an advice he goes to her.Or is it becasue she is standing for the TRUTH? the truth so many people can not handle,is that what bothers you??
DeleteYou know you pretended to be looking at both sides, but you are not. It is abvious which side you are.You mention that Samuel gave a ride to Tsebate, so what is wrong with that? It shows you that Samuel does not have any person problem with him. The Church is Samuel's responsiblity, not Tsebate's personal behavior.Tsebate has a right to came to this country if wanted to. However,he let Tsebate know that he was not welcome to come to the Church. By giving Tsebate a ride he fillfull his Christian duty. It also shows you that how professional he is. We are so Blessed to have this PC, If it was not for them w/o Ethiopia and her followers would have brought Tsebate back to our beloved church, and it would have been crisises. You talk about Mimi, actually Ethiopia and her followers are the one who do not have a clue about Ethiopian Orthodox. going to church every sunday does not make you a christian. The devil goes every Sunday too.
Finllay I want you and those who oppose this PC to understand that this PC is called by God, God is the one who put them there to clean his house. So until God say it is time for them to leave, they are not going any where.Everything what had had happened his not man's doing, it's the work or God. Stop fighting God. Sit and watch God's work.
WOW! For me this commentator appears quite demented, a psychopath who needs an urgent psychiatric assistance. Instead of addressing the issues, he/she engages in diatribe and self- righteousness. She/he claims that she/he and the Parish Council are holier-than-thou, whereas the rest of us are only ‘GENTILES’ OR “AHEZAB”, practically IRREDEEMABLE WICKED SINNERS – a typical Protestant semantic and view of the faithful of other denominations . Let us see how inconsistent, selective and self-delusional you are, just taking as an instance one case you mention. Of course, vice-chairman’s action of picking up Tsebate from the airport is commendable. What about the other part of the story, with him writing to Tsebate to come urgently, informing him about his readiness to send him a ONE-WAY TICKET, and that the Clergy Residence in the church is awaiting him vacant, spick and span. If we accept your explanation then this too is ANOTHER performance of Christian duty!!! I advise you to read the comments in their rightful context, instead of twisting them to your biased whim. The entire comment deals with a need for setting up an independent body to investigate the mess the Parish Council has created. If your sanctimonious argument is correct, then why your so eulogized Parish Council is afraid of setting up such a body as many have been requesting all this time? Are they hiding something? Hopefully, this commentator is NOT a member of Parish Council. If he/she is one of them, his/her comment simply confirms the greatest fear that many have at the moment about this august body. It seems it is involved in self-canonization and narcissism. The problem is the EOTC is quite strict in this regards and is the wrong spot and institution for this type of people. If this is the case, it is unfortunate that our beloved Bisrate Gabriel Church has been taken over by individuals who do not know humility, Christian love and understanding, but live in their own self-conceited and convoluted world of illusion, hallucination and self-aggrandizement, who rationalize and soothe such mental state by appealing to the Bible, just fitting the Italian dictum "Anche il Diavolo cita la Bibbia" – “Even the Devil cites the Holy Bible". I have to state clearly that I have neither time nor patience to respond to these types of deranged individuals who, as I stated above, need clearly an immediate mental help, and definitely not my precious time.
DeleteDear fulltime defender, I read your comment, and you don’t make me much surprised. The fact is, only some people can grasp the truth, and many can handle to make adultery with bogus personality. Anyway, I am so eager to see “. . . evidence against the parish council” you said, “there are ample tangible proofs on hand. Stay tuned, hopefully they will be out soon!” even if I don’t know what it is, but if it is not out soon, I will shame on you because of your lie.
DeleteMimi Mogus is one of Tsebat's handpicked Parish council members.If she is protestant, how dare he give her that position without the knowledge of the church members? This is enough by itself to fire him from the church. I do not believe that he is even true Orthodox believer if she is protestant. She taught those innocent children more than eight year under his watch. Are those children learned protestant under his watch? This is one of canon violation that bring a priest's deposition.
DeleteNo one is judging Tsebate,if the truth to be told Tsebate judged himself.When that incident happended with his brother, Tsebate threw out his brother from the Church saying that his brother is not qualified to be in the church let alone in the Makedas.He said it's aganist Ethiopian Orthodox Doctrine. He even throw his brother out of his house.So what happen now, why Tsebate is opening a church? does not the same rule apply to him? when he commited the same crime? does't the same Ethiopian's Orthodox rule apply to him too??
DeleteHey you,
ReplyDeleteI hope soon or later you are not going to tell these people the Parish Council is GOD and created them!!!